

单词 pbc



abbr. primary biliary cirrhosis



(1) (Push Button Configuration) See Wi-Fi Protected Setup.

(2) (PlayBack Control) A CD/DVD player mode that supports interactive Video CDs.



abbr. primary biliary cirrhosis


Abbreviation for:
peripheral blood cell
practice-based commissioning, see there 
primary biliary cirrhosis
public benefits corporation


1. Peripheral blood cells.2. Primary biliary cirrhosis, see there.



In auditing, a slang term meaning "prepared by client," which indicates anything the auditor has not reviewed and corrected. In other words, to tie out indicates the nuts and bolts of auditing the accuracy o


PBCPalm Beach County
PBCPrimary Biliary Cirrhosis
PBCPeach Belt Conference (athletic conference)
PBCPractice-Based Commissioning (UK)
PBCPrinciples of Building Construction (various locations)
PBCPoker Bonus Code
PBCPrimitive Baptist Church (various locations)
PBCPerceived Behavioral Control (behavioral science)
PBCPeople's Bank of China
PBCPerth Bible College (Australia)
PBCPalm Beach Currumbin (Australia)
PBCPlayback Control
PBCProvidence Baptist Church (various locations)
PBCParkway Baptist Church (various locations)
PBCPeninsula Bible Church (Palo Alto, CA)
PBCPeripheral Board Controller
PBCPort Bypass Circuit
PBCPlain Text Block Chaining
PBCPay by Call
PBCPipeline Burst Cache
PBCProcessor Bus Controller
PBCPay by Check
PBCPartei Bibeltreuer Christen (German: Party of Bible-faithful Christians; political party)
PBCPerformance Based Contracting
PBCPublic Benefit Corporation
PBCPublic Building Commission
PBCPermanent Building Committee (various locations)
PBCPontifical Biblical Commission
PBCPolar Bear Club
PBCPhyllis Browning Company (San Antonio, TX)
PBCPeace Building Commission
PBCPredominantly Black College
PBCPakistan Broadcasting Corporation
PBCPakistan Bar Council
PBCPacific Blue Cross (insurance; British Columbia, Canada)
PBCPublic Benefit Conveyance
PBCPeriodic Boundary Condition
PBCPost Baccalaureate Certification (various schools)
PBCPeace Baptist Church (various locations)
PBCParent Booster Club (Kansas)
PBCPiedmont Baptist College (North Carolina)
PBCProfessional Business Consultants (Oak Bridge, IL)
PBCPhoenix Boys Choir (Phoenix, AZ)
PBCPerson Being Coached (religion)
PBCPremera Blue Cross
PBCPrepared By Client
PBCPheasant Branch Conservancy (Middleton, WI)
PBCPuebla, Puebla, Mexico (Airport Code)
PBCPush Button Calibration (monitors)
PBCParents of Bipolar Children (South Carolina)
PBCPebble Beach Company (California; est. 1919)
PBCPlant Biotechnology Center (various schools)
PBCPeak Beam Candlepower (light strength rating)
PBCPolarization-Beam Combiner
PBCPairing-Based Cryptography
PBCPrestonwood Baptist Church (Dallas, TX)
PBCPittsburgh Brewing Company
PBCPilgrim Baptist Church
PBCPersonal Business Commitment(s)
PBCProvided by Client
PBCPower Boating Canada (Taylor Publishing Group)
PBCPhotonic Band Gap
PBCPortland Borough Council (UK)
PBCPeripheral Bus Computer
PBCPepsi Bottling Company
PBCPro Bono Consulting (Time Warner; est. 2005)
PBCParticle Beam Cannon (Sci-Fi/gaming)
PBCPostal Business Center
PBCPerformance Based Costing
PBCPakistan Banking Council
PBCPro Bass Challenge (celebrity fishing tournament)
PBCProgram & Budget Committee
PBCPlanning Budgeting Controlling (various organizations)
PBCPlastic Bottle Club
PBCPotential Backup Cost
PBCPipelined Burst Cache
PBCPlain-Text Block Chaining
PBCPulivendula Branch Canal (India)
PBCPeanut Butter Crackers
PBCPeripheral Bus Controller
PBCPreliminary Business Case
PBCPacific Bell Communications
PBCPostal Business Centers (USPS)
PBCPush Button Controller
PBCPosition Budget Creation
PBCProgram Booking Center
PBCPractice Bomb Container
PBCPink Broadcasting Company
PBCPrescot Brewing Company
PBCPassing Bad Check (criminal charge)
PBCPremium Browsable Content
PBCPotential Back-Up Cost
PBCPersian Broadcasting Channel
PBCPublic Background Checks (website)
PBCPay by Computer
PBCPlanning Boards and Committees
PBCPrayssac Basket Club (French basketball club)
PBCPantranco Bus Company (bus company, Philippines)




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更新时间:2025/3/12 12:51:22