Acronym | Definition |
PBI➣Polybenzimidazole (fire resistant fabric) |
PBI➣Palm Beach International Airport |
PBI➣Producto Bruto Interno |
PBI➣Polar Bears International (Occidental, California) |
PBI➣Product Backlog Item |
PBI➣Peace Brigades International |
PBI➣Pennsylvania Bar Institute |
PBI➣Peripheral Bus Interface |
PBI➣Profiler Batch Input |
PBI➣Programmable Binary Image |
PBI➣Phone Based Interface |
PBI➣Profiler Binary Input |
PBI➣Powerbasic Include File |
PBI➣Performance Based Incentive |
PBI➣Pro Bono Institute (et. 1966; Washington, DC) |
PBI➣Palm Beach Institute (West Palm Beach, FL) |
PBI➣Prairie Bible Institute (Alberta, Canada) |
PBI➣Polska Biblioteka Internetowa (Polish: Polish Internet Library) |
PBI➣Parallel Bus Interface |
PBI➣Primary Blast Injury |
PBI➣Plant Breeding Institute |
PBI➣Poor Bloody Infantry (British) |
PBI➣Pacific Bell Internet |
PBI➣Protein Bound Iodine |
PBI➣Performance Based Infrastructure (California) |
PBI➣Private Banking International |
PBI➣PC-BSD Installer |
PBI➣Pacific Basin Institute |
PBI➣Profiler Binary Input (file extension; Microsoft) |
PBI➣PepsiCo Beverages International |
PBI➣Pension Benefit Information (San Rafael, CA) |
PBI➣Pontifical Biblical Institute |
PBI➣Pharma & Bio Ingredients (trade magazine) |
PBI➣Pitney Bowes International |
PBI➣Performance Based Interviewing (human resources job candidate screening method) |
PBI➣Prime Bank Instrument (investment fraud) |
PBI➣Public Browser Interface |
PBI➣West Palm Beach, FL, USA - Palm Beach International Airport (Airport Code) |
PBI➣Performance Based Instruction |
PBI➣Professional Bowling Instruction |
PBI➣Proactive Business Intelligence (Panorama) |
PBI➣Partial-Band Interference |
PBI➣Push-Button Indicator |
PBI➣Please Be Informed |
PBI➣Programme Budget Implication |
PBI➣Partial-Body Irradiation |
PBI➣Physics Based Industries |
PBI➣Pilot Biographical Inventory (Aviation Selection Test Battery) |
PBI➣Processor Bus Interface |
PBI➣Beth Israel Hospital Association of Passaic |
PBI➣Plant Biology Institute |
PBI➣Post Boost Intercept |
PBI➣Please Believe It |
PBI➣Politely Butting in |
PBI➣Program Baseline Integration |
PBI➣Planning, Budgeting, and Initiating |
PBI➣Program Budget Instructions |