Acronym | Definition |
RSB➣Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Energy Center) |
RSB➣Reformation Study Bible |
RSB➣Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials |
RSB➣Russian Standard Bank (Moscow, Russia) |
RSB➣Register State Block |
RSB➣Reservation State Block |
RSB➣Red Storm Bitmap |
RSB➣Restoration Study Bible |
RSB➣Royal Society for the Blind (Adelaide, South Australia) |
RSB➣Radio Science Bulletin (publication) |
RSB➣Rear Sway Bar (automotive) |
RSB➣Regulations and Supervision Bureau (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) |
RSB➣Replica-Symmetry Breaking |
RSB➣Ross School of Business |
RSB➣Riverside School Board (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) |
RSB➣Robbie Seay Band |
RSB➣Regional Standards Board |
RSB➣Radar Sort Boxes (US FAA) |
RSB➣Right Side Bending (patient testing) |
RSB➣Repair Service Bureau |
RSB➣Red Star Belgrade (Serbian sport club) |
RSB➣RuneScape Base (gaming forum) |
RSB➣Rudder Speed Brake (NASA) |
RSB➣Recursive Spectral Bisection |
RSB➣ (usnet newsgroup) |
RSB➣Right Sternal Border |
RSB➣Rebel Soul Band |
RSB➣Research Support Branch (Canada) |
RSB➣Radio-Symphonieorchester Berlin (German: Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra) |
RSB➣Runescape Boards (gaming) |
RSB➣Rough Stock Bore (prockets and couplings description) |
RSB➣Regional Support Battalion |
RSB➣Riverside Borehole (California) |
RSB➣Recycling System Box (waste management company; France) |
RSB➣Receive Signaling Buffer |
RSB➣Record Structure Builder |
RSB➣Robotic Safety Barrel |
RSB➣Regulatory Support Branch (US EPA) |
RSB➣Racing System Builder (horse racing analysis software) |
RSB➣Related Societies Board |
RSB➣Regional Shipping Board |
RSB➣Resources for Small Business Inc |
RSB➣Residential Show Business |
RSB➣Receive Silence Bit |
RSB➣Reinforcement Support Category |
RSB➣Re-Deployment Staging Base |
RSB➣Reduced Size Blueprint |
RSB➣Red Star Beverlo (Belgian Sports Club) |
RSB➣Reflected Shadow Boundary |
RSB➣Rick Sickmen Band (band) |
RSB➣Reference Standards Book |
RSB➣Renforcement Structure Bois (French wood frame building company) |
RSB➣Relief Society Building (Salt Lake City, UT) |