

S5755450 (stăd′hōl′dər) also stadt·hold·er (stăt′-)n.1. A governor or viceroy formerly stationed in a province of the Netherlands.2. The chief magistrate of the former Netherlands republic.
[Partial translation of Dutch stadhouder : Dutch stad, place; see stā- in Indo-European roots + Dutch houder, holder (from houden, to hold; akin to Old English healdan).]


(ˈstædˌhəʊldə) or


n1. (Historical Terms) the chief magistrate of the former Dutch republic or of any of its provinces (from about 1580 to 1802)2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a viceroy or governor of a province[C16: partial translation of Dutch stad houder, from stad city (see stead) + houder holder] ˈstadˌholderate, ˈstadˌholdership ˈstadtˌholderate, ˈstadtˌholdership n


also stadt•hold•er

(ˈstædˌhoʊl dər, ˈstæt-)

n. 1. the chief magistrate of the former republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands. 2. (formerly, in the Netherlands) the viceroy or governor of a province. [1585–95; partial translation of Dutch stadhouder=stad place + houder holder; translation of Medieval Latin locum tenēns]