释义 |
su·i·cid·ol·o·gy S0870900 (so͞o′ĭ-sī-dŏl′ə-jē)n. The study of suicide, suicidal behavior, and suicide prevention. su′i·cid·ol′o·gist n.suicidology (ˌsuːɪsaɪˈdɒlədʒɪ) nthe study of suicide and how to prevent itEncyclopediaSeesuicidesuicidology
su·i·ci·dol·o·gy (sū'i-sī-dol'ŏ-jē), A branch of the behavioral sciences devoted to the study of the nature, causes, and prevention of suicide. [suicide + G. logos, study] suicidology (so͞o′ĭ-sī-dŏl′ə-jē)n. The study of suicide, suicidal behavior, and suicide prevention. su′i·cid·ol′o·gist n.The formal multidisciplinary study of suicide and suicidal behaviour |