PBSAPhosphate-Buffered Saline
PBSAPension Benefits Standards Act (Canada)
PBSAPolybutylene Succinate Adipate
PBSAPerformance-Based Service Acquisition
PBSAProfessional Bartending Schools of America
PBSAPapers of the Bibliographical Society of America
PBSAPakistan Billiards and Snooker Association
PBSAPerformance Based Supplier Audit
PBSAPro Bono Students America
PBSAProfessional Business Solutions of America
PBSAParticipatory Benefit Sharing Agreements
PBSAProfessional Beach Service Association
PBSAPhiladelphia Building Superintendent Association
PBSAProfitBuilder Sales Analysis
PBSAProgram Budget System Accounting
PBSAPakistan Boy Scout Association (Pakistan)
PBSAProtection of Beach Soil Association
PBSAPlaque Behind Stent Area