Acronym | Definition |
SMOP➣Standard Method of Procedure |
SMOP➣Simple Matter Of Programming |
SMOP➣Small Matter of Programming |
SMOP➣Synthetic Minor Operating Permit |
SMOP➣Sociedad Mexicana de Ortopedia Pediátrica |
SMOP➣Shared-Memory Optical Packet |
SMOP➣Selecting & Managing Overseas Partners (UK export training program) |
SMOP➣Service Method of Procedure (AT&T) |
SMOP➣Sausage Mushroom Onion Pepper (pizza) |
SMOP➣Significantly Minimize or Prevent (food safety) |
SMOP➣So Much Of Paragraph NN (US military 1930s through 1950s) |
SMOP➣St. Marks Our Planet (St. Mark's Lutheran Church; San Francisco, CA) |
SMOP➣Sweet Mother of Pearl (Internet slang) |