PCADPennsylvania College of Art & Design (Lancaster, PA)
PCADPlymouth College of Art and Design (UK)
PCADPackaging Computer-Aided Design
PCADPopulation Consequences of Acoustic Disturbance (marine biology)
PCADProcess Control Access Domain
PCADPost Compliance Assessment Determination (lead inspections)
PCADPremature Coronary Artery Disease
PCADParents of Children of African Descent
PCADPalliative Care for Advanced Disease
PCADPower Conditioning and Distribution
PCADPointing Control and Attitude Determination
PCADPeoples Committee against Democracy (Thailand)
PCADPersonal Computer-Aided Design (program)
PCADPortable Communication Aid for Dysphasics
PCADPhysiological Cardiac Assist Device
PCADPhiladelphia College of Art and Design
PCADPrimary Care Access Data
PCADPortable Communication Assistant for People with Acquired Aphasia
PCADProgression of Coronary Artery Disease study
PCADProperty Custody and Depreciation (US Army)
PCADPutnam County Ambulance District
PCADProgram Change Approval Document
PCADPoste de Commandement d'Artillerie Divisionnaire