readme file


(convention)An introduction traditionally included in thetop-level directory of a Unix source distribution,containing a pointer to more detailed documentation, credits,miscellaneous revision history, notes, etc. The file may benamed README, or READ.ME, or rarely ReadMe or readme.txt orsome other variant.

In the Macintosh and IBM PC worlds, software is notusually distributed in source form, and the README is morelikely to contain user-oriented material like last-minutedocumentation changes, error workarounds, and restrictions.

The README convention probably follows the famous scene inLewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland" in whichAlice confronts magic munchies labelled "Eat Me" and "DrinkMe".

readme file

A text file copied onto software distribution disks that contains last-minute updates or errata that have not been printed in the documentation manual.