Acronym | Definition |
TFN➣Tax File Number (Australia) |
TFN➣Tribunal Fiscal de la Nación (Spanish: National Tax Court; Argentina) |
TFN➣TheForce.Net (Star Wars Fan Site) |
TFN➣Texas Freedom Network |
TFN➣Tsawwassen First Nation (Canada) |
TFN➣Transferrin (protein) |
TFN➣Today's Financial News (Baltimore, MD) |
TFN➣Transport File Name |
TFN➣Transverse File Name |
TFN➣Transfer File Name |
TFN➣Tax File Number |
TFN➣Tribe Flood Network |
TFN➣The Foundation (hip-hop band) |
TFN➣Taiwan Fixed Network |
TFN➣Tribe Flood Network (Computer virus TCPSYN flood, ICMP Echo and directed attacks) |
TFN➣The Food Network |
TFN➣Toronto FreeNet |
TFN➣Toll Free Number |
TFN➣The Freecycle Network (Freecycle Network, Inc.) |
TFN➣The Football Network (also seen as TFNK) |
TFN➣Thanks for Nothing |
TFN➣Third Frontier Network |
TFN➣Tour of Nilgiris (Indian bicycle tour) |
TFN➣Till Further Notice |
TFN➣Trochanteric Fixation Nail |
TFN➣Tobacco Free Nurses (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) |
TFN➣Teach First Norway (educational project) |
TFN➣Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain - Tenerife Norte Los Rodeos (Airport Code) |
TFN➣Toronto Field Naturalists (Canada) |
TFN➣Thomson Financial Network (website) |
TFN➣Track & Field News (periodical) |
TFN➣Thin Film Network |
TFN➣Third Floor North (Santa Ana, CA architectural sign company) |
TFN➣Thermoplastic Fixture Wire Nylon Jacketed (UL) |
TFN➣Trochanteric Femoral Nail |
TFN➣The Future Noise (monthly music exhibition) |
TFN➣Theoretical Foundations of Nursing (education) |
TFN➣Train Functional Number |
TFN➣Target File Number |
TFN➣Transnational Feminist Network |
TFN➣Trade Forums Noob (Star Wars Galaxies) |
TFN➣Total Frontal Nudity |
TFN➣Technique Française du Nettoyage SAS (France) |