释义 |
uncinate bundle of Russell uncinate fasciculus of cerebellum [TA] fastigial efferent fibers that cross within the cerebellum and descend over the lateral surface of the superior cerebellar peduncle; these fibers largely terminate in the vestibular nuclei and the reticular formation of the pons and medulla. Synonym(s): fasciculus uncinatus cerebelli [TA], hooked bundle of Russell, uncinate bundle of Russell, uncinate fasciculus of Russelluncinate bundle of Russell [James S. Risien Russell, Brit. physician, 1863–1939] Fibers that arise in the fastigial superior cerebellar peduncle and pass inferiorly to the vestibular nuclei and reticular formation by which impulses are carried to muscles, esp. those of the neck and body.Russell, James S. Risien, English physician, 1863-1939. hooked bundle of Russell - Synonym(s): uncinate bundle of Russelluncinate bundle of Russell - fastigial efferent fibers that terminate in the vestibular nuclei and the reticular formation of the pons and medulla. Synonym(s): hooked bundle of Russell; uncinate fasciculus of Russelluncinate fasciculus of Russell - Synonym(s): uncinate bundle of Russell |