urate oxidase

u·rate ox·i·dase

[MIM*191540] a copper-containing, oxygen-requiring oxidoreductase that oxidizes uric acid; used in the clinical diagnosis of increased uric acid levels. Synonym(s): uricase

urate ox·i·dase

(yūr'āt ok'si-dās) A copper-containing, oxygen-requiring oxidoreductase that oxidizes uric acid; used in the clinical diagnosis of increased uric acid levels.
Synonym(s): uricase.


(ok'si-das?, -daz?) [ oxide + -ase] A class of enzymes present in plant and animal cells that catalyzes an oxidation reaction; a respiratory enzyme.

cytochrome oxidase

An enzyme present in most cells that oxidizes reduced cytochrome to cytochrome.

urate oxidase
