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ar·te·ri·o·scle·ro·sis A0442400 (är-tîr′ē-ō-sklə-rō′sĭs)n. Any of several chronic diseases, such as atherosclerosis, that are characterized by thickening and loss of elasticity of the walls of the arteries and that lead to impaired blood circulation. ar·te′ri·o·scle·rot′ic (-rŏt′ĭk) adj.ThesaurusAdj. | 1. | arteriosclerotic - affected by arteriosclerosis | TranslationsEncyclopediaSeearteriosclerosisarteriosclerotic
ar·te·ri·o·scle·rot·ic (ar-tēr'ē-ō-skler-ot'ik), Relating to or affected by arteriosclerosis.ar·te·ri·o·scle·rot·ic (ahr-tēr'ē-ō-skler-ot'ik) Relating to or affected by arteriosclerosis. arteriosclerosis (ar-ter?e-o-skle-ro'sis) [ arterio- + sclerosis] A disease of the arterial vessels marked by thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity in the arterial walls. Three forms of arteriosclerosis are generally recognized: atherosclerosis, arteriolosclerosis, and Mönckeberg's calcification. Atherosclerosis is the single most important cause of disease and death in Western societies. arteriosclerotic (-rot'ik), adjective See: atherosclerosisarteriosclerosis obliteransArteriosclerosis in which the lumen of the artery is completely occluded. |