SMTTSeamonkey Trunk Tracker
SMTTSecretaria Municipal de Trânsito e Transporte (Brazil)
SMTTStrategic Management Tools and Techniques
SMTTSchule für Musik, Theater und Tanz (Germany)
SMTTSomatic Movement Therapy Training
SMTTSOMAction Movement Therapy Training
SMTTSöderhamns Motorcycles Touring Team
SMTTStandard Minimum Task Time
SMTTStudent Marketing Task Team
SMTTSimplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax
SMTTSchool of Management and Training Technology (RAAF)
SMTTSmokey Yunick's Track Tech (book)
SMTTSenior Mentor Training Team
SMTTSociété des Mines de Tassa n’Taghaigué
SMTTSouth Mountain Time Trial
SMTTSpinal Manipulative Thrust Techniques
SMTTSociety for Motor Manufacturers and Traders
SMTTSud Médoc Tennis de Table (French table tennis club; Le Haillan, France)
SMTTSafe Motherhood Training Team
SMTTSupply Maintenance Team Training
SMTTSpezieller Modus Tollendo Tollens
SMTTSmall Monitor Test Tool (input lag testing)