sequential compression device

sequential compression device

Surgery A pneumatic device used to prevent DVT from the legs and arms. See Deep vein thrombosis.

se·quen·ti·al com·pres·sion de·vice

(SCD) (sĕ-kwenshăl kŏm-preshŭn dĕ-vīs) Appliance used to prevent deep vein thrombosis. A sleeve containing air tubes is wrapped around the leg and thigh; air is then pumped into different parts of the sleeve sequentially, thereby assisting venous return.

sequential compression device

Abbreviation: SCD.
A device to reduce edema or prevent the formation of blod clots in an extremity. A chambered nylon sleeve is progressively inflated from its distal segment to the proximal segment, forcing venous and lymphatic return. Sequential compression devices are inflated with air (pneumatic compression) or, less commonly, chilled water (cryocompression). SCDs are used frequently in the perioperative period. See: intermittent compressionSee also: device