

单词 real



true; existing; actual: the real reason
Not to be confused with:reel – winding device; a spool; a dance: danced the Virginia Reel

re·al 1

R0069700 (rē′əl, rēl)adj.1. a. Being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verifiable existence: real objects; a real illness.b. True and actual; not imaginary, alleged, or ideal: real people, not ghosts; a film based on real life.c. Of or founded on practical matters and concerns: a recent graduate experiencing the real world for the first time.2. Genuine and authentic; not artificial or spurious: real mink; real humility.3. Being no less than what is stated; worthy of the name: a real friend.4. Free of pretense, falsehood, or affectation: tourists hoping for a real experience on the guided tour.5. Not to be taken lightly; serious: in real trouble.6. Philosophy Existing objectively in the world regardless of subjectivity or conventions of thought or language.7. Relating to, being, or having value reckoned by actual purchasing power: real income; real growth.8. Physics Of, relating to, or being an image formed by light rays that converge in space.9. Mathematics Of, relating to, or being a real number.10. Law Of or relating to stationary or fixed property, such as buildings or land.adv. Informal Very: I'm real sorry about that.n.1. A thing or whole having actual existence. Often used with the: theories beyond the realm of the real.2. Mathematics A real number.Idiom: for real Slang Truly so in fact or actuality: "Is this place for real? A wolf in a ... leisure suit and a cow in a print dress wait patiently on the couch in the lobby" (Teresa Carson).
[Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin reālis, from Latin rēs, thing; see rē- in Indo-European roots.]
real′ness n.Synonyms: real1, actual, true, existent
These adjectives mean not being imaginary but having verifiable existence. Real implies authenticity, genuineness, or factuality: Don't lose the bracelet; it's made of real gold. She showed real sympathy for my predicament.
Actual means existing and not merely potential or possible: "rocks, trees ... the actual world" (Henry David Thoreau).
True implies consistency with fact, reality, or actuality: "It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true" (Bertrand Russell).
Existent applies to what has life or being: Much of the beluga caviar existent in the world is found near the Caspian Sea. See Also Synonyms at authentic.

re·al 2

R0069800 (rā-äl′)n. pl. re·als or re·al·es (-ä′lĕs) A silver coin formerly used in Spain and Latin America.
[Spanish, royal, real, from Latin rēgālis, royal, from rēx, rēg-, king; see reg- in Indo-European roots.]

re·al 3

R0069800 (rā-äl′)n. pl. re·ais (rā-īsh′) 1. A unit of currency formerly used in Portugal.2. See Table at currency.
[Portuguese, royal, real, from Latin rēgālis, royal; see real2.]


(ˈrɪəl) adj1. existing or occurring in the physical world; not imaginary, fictitious, or theoretical; actual2. (prenominal) true; actual; not false: the real reason. 3. (prenominal) deserving the name; rightly so called: a real friend; a real woman. 4. not artificial or simulated; genuine: real sympathy; real fur. 5. (Cookery) (of food, etc) traditionally made and having a distinct flavour: real ale; real cheese. 6. (Philosophy) philosophy existent or relating to actual existence (as opposed to nonexistent, potential, contingent, or apparent)7. (Economics) (prenominal) economics (of prices, incomes, wages, etc) considered in terms of purchasing power rather than nominal currency value8. (Law) (prenominal) denoting or relating to immovable property such as land and tenements: real property. Compare personal9. (General Physics) physics Compare image210. (Mathematics) maths involving or containing real numbers alone; having no imaginary part11. (Classical Music) music a. (of the answer in a fugue) preserving the intervals as they appear in the subjectb. denoting a fugue as having such an answer. Compare tonal312. informal (intensifier): a real fool; a real genius. 13. the real thing the genuine article, not an inferior or mistaken substituten14. (Mathematics) short for real number15. the real that which exists in fact; reality16. for real slang not as a test or trial; in earnest[C15: from Old French réel, from Late Latin reālis, from Latin rēs thing] ˈrealness n


(reɪˈɑːl; Spanish reˈal) n, pl reals or reales (Spanish reˈales) (Currencies) a former small Spanish or Spanish-American silver coin[C17: from Spanish, literally: royal, from Latin rēgālis; see regal1]


(Portuguese reˈal) n, pl reis (rəjʃ) 1. (Currencies) the standard monetary unit of Brazil, divided into 100 centavos2. (Currencies) a former coin of Portugal[ultimately from Latin rēgālis regal1]


(ˈri əl, ril)

adj. 1. true; not merely ostensible, nominal, or apparent: the real reason for an act. 2. actual rather than imaginary, ideal, or fictitious: real events; a story taken from real life. 3. being actually such; not merely so-called: a real victory. 4. genuine; authentic: real pearls. 5. unfeigned or sincere: real sympathy. 6. Informal. absolute; complete; utter: She's a real brain. 7. Philos. a. existent as opposed to nonexistent. b. actual as opposed to possible or potential. c. independent of experience as opposed to phenomenal or apparent. 8. (of wages, income, or money) measured in purchasing power rather than in nominal value. 9. noting an optical image formed by the actual convergence of rays, as the image produced in a camera (opposed to virtual). 10. Law. of or pertaining to immovable or permanent things, as lands or buildings. 11. Math. a. of, pertaining to, or having the value of a real number. b. using real numbers: real analysis; real vector space. adv. 12. Informal. very or extremely: You did a real nice job. n. 13. real number. 14. the real, a. something that actually exists. b. reality in general. Idioms: for real, a. in reality; actually. b. genuine; sincere. [1400–50; late Middle English < Late Latin reālis= Latin re-, variant s. of rēs thing + -ālis -al1] re′al•ness, n.


(reɪˈɑl; Sp. rɛˈɑl)

n., pl. re•als (reɪˈɑlz)
Sp. re•a•les (rɛˈɑ lɛs) a former silver coin of Spain and Spanish America, equal to ? of a peso. [1605–15; < Sp: royal < Latin rēgālis regal]



n. sing. of reis.


Real is used to say that something actually exists.

...real or imagined feelings of inferiority.Robert squealed in mock terror, then in real pain.

You also use real to say that a substance or object is genuine and not artificial.

I would never wear real fur.Rudolph couldn't tell whether the jewellery was real or not.

Some American speakers use real in front of an adjective or adverb for emphasis when speaking informally.

That suit looks real nice.I'm being looked after real well.

This use is generally regarded as incorrect, both in British and American English. Instead of 'real', you should use really.

It was really good.He did it really carefully.See really
Noun1.real - any rational or irrational numberreal numberdot product, inner product, scalar product - a real number (a scalar) that is the product of two vectorscomplex number, complex quantity, imaginary, imaginary number - (mathematics) a number of the form a+bi where a and b are real numbers and i is the square root of -1rational, rational number - an integer or a fractionirrational, irrational number - a real number that cannot be expressed as a rational number
2.real - the basic unit of money in Brazil; equal to 100 centavoscentavo - a fractional monetary unit of several countries: El Salvador and Sao Tome and Principe and Brazil and Argentina and Bolivia and Colombia and Cuba and the Dominican Republic and Ecuador and El Salvador and Guatemala and Honduras and Mexico and Nicaragua and Peru and the Philippines and PortugalBrazilian monetary unit - monetary unit in Brazil
3.real - an old small silver Spanish coincoin - a flat metal piece (usually a disc) used as money
Adj.1.real - being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory; "real objects"; "real people; not ghosts"; "a film based on real life"; "a real illness"; "real humility"; "Life is real! Life is earnest!"- Longfellowexistentconcrete - capable of being perceived by the senses; not abstract or imaginary; "concrete objects such as trees"echt, genuine - not fake or counterfeit; "a genuine Picasso"; "genuine leather"realistic - aware or expressing awareness of things as they really are; "a realistic description"; "a realistic view of the possibilities"; "a realistic appraisal of our chances"; "the actors tried to create a realistic portrayal of the Africans"sincere - open and genuine; not deceitful; "he was a good man, decent and sincere"; "felt sincere regret that they were leaving"; "sincere friendship"unreal - lacking in reality or substance or genuineness; not corresponding to acknowledged facts or criteria; "ghosts and other unreal entities"; "unreal propaganda serving as news"
2.real - no less than what is stated; worthy of the name; "the real reason"; "real war"; "a real friend"; "a real woman"; "meat and potatoes--I call that a real meal"; "it's time he had a real job"; "it's no penny-ante job--he's making real money"unreal - not actually such; being or seeming fanciful or imaginary; "this conversation is getting more and more unreal"; "the fantastically unreal world of government bureaucracy"; "the unreal world of advertising art"
3.real - not to be taken lightly; "statistics demonstrate that poverty and unemployment are very real problems"; "to the man sleeping regularly in doorways homelessness is real"serious - concerned with work or important matters rather than play or trivialities; "a serious student of history"; "a serious attempt to learn to ski"; "gave me a serious look"; "a serious young man"; "are you serious or joking?"; "Don't be so serious!"
4.real - capable of being treated as fact; "tangible evidence"; "his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor"tangibleconcrete - capable of being perceived by the senses; not abstract or imaginary; "concrete objects such as trees"
5.real - being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of somethingreal - being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something; "her actual motive"; "a literal solitude like a desert"- G.K.Chesterton; "a genuine dilemma"literal, actual, genuinetrue - consistent with fact or reality; not false; "the story is true"; "it is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true"- B. Russell; "the true meaning of the statement"
6.real - of, relating to, or representing an amount that is corrected for inflation; "real prices"; "real income"; "real wages"economic science, economics, political economy - the branch of social science that deals with the production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their managementnominal - of, relating to, or characteristic of an amount that is not adjusted for inflation; "the nominal GDP"; "nominal interest rates"
7.real - having substance or capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary; "the substantial world"; "a mere dream, neither substantial nor practical"; "most ponderous and substantial things"- Shakespearesubstantial, materialmaterial - derived from or composed of matter; "the material universe"
8.real - (of property) fixed or immovable; "real property consists of land and buildings"tangible - (of especially business assets) having physical substance and intrinsic monetary value ; "tangible property like real estate"; "tangible assets such as machinery"
9.real - coinciding with reality; "perceptual error...has a surprising resemblance to veridical perception"- F.A.Olafsonveridicalrealistic - aware or expressing awareness of things as they really are; "a realistic description"; "a realistic view of the possibilities"; "a realistic appraisal of our chances"; "the actors tried to create a realistic portrayal of the Africans"
Adv.1.real - used as intensifiers; `real' is sometimes used informally for `really'; `rattling' is informal; "she was very gifted"; "he played very well"; "a really enjoyable evening"; "I'm real sorry about it"; "a rattling good yarn"rattling, very, really


adjective1. true, actual, genuine, concrete, sincere, tangible, honest, factual, existent, palpable, dinkum (Austral & N.Z. informal), unimagined, unfeigned No, it wasn't a dream. It was real.2. genuine, authentic, bona fide, dinkum (Austral & N.Z. informal) the smell of real leather
genuine affected, false, fake, faked, imaginary, imitation, counterfeit, feigned, insincere
3. proper, true, valid, legitimate His first real girlfriend.4. true, actual This was the real reason for her call.5. typical, true, earnest, genuine, sincere, unaffected, heartfelt, wholehearted, untainted, dinkum (Austral & N.Z. informal), unfeigned, unpretended Their expressions of regret did not smack of real sorrow.6. serious, pressing, worrying, significant, severe, urgent, weighty Global warming is a real problem.7. complete, right, complete, total, perfect, positive, absolute, utter, thorough, veritable, out-and-out You must think I'm a real idiot.
adverb1. (U.S. informal) extremely, very, really, particularly, seriously (informal), terribly, remarkably, unusually, jolly (Brit.), awfully (informal), uncommonly He's been trying real hard.


adjective1. Having verifiable existence:concrete, objective, substantial, substantive, tangible.2. In agreement or correspondence with fact:actual, true.3. Not counterfeit or copied:actual, authentic, bona fide, genuine, good, indubitable, original, true, undoubted, unquestionable.4. Devoid of any hypocrisy or pretense:genuine, heartfelt, hearty, honest, natural, sincere, true, unaffected, unfeigned, unmannered.


(riəl) adjective1. which actually exists. There's a real monster in that cave. 真實存在的 真实的2. not imitation; genuine. real leather; Is that diamond real? 非造假的,真的 真的3. actual. He may own the factory, but it's his manager who is the real boss. 真正的 实际的4. great. a real surprise/problem. 大的 大的 adverb (especially American) very; really. a real nice house. (尤在美國)非常,真的 (尤在美国)非常,真正地 ˈrealist noun a person who sees, or claims to see, life as it is, without being affected by emotion etc. 現實主義者 现实主义者ˈrealism noun 現實主義 现实主义ˌreaˈlistic adjective (negative unrealistic). 1. showing things as they really are. a realistic painting. 現實主義的 现实主义的2. taking a sensible, practical view of life. I'd like to think we'd sell five of these a day, but it would be more realistic to say two. 務實的 现实的ˌreaˈlistically adverb 務實地 现实地reality (riˈӕləti) noun1. that which is real and not imaginary. It was a relief to get back to reality after hearing the ghost story. 現實 现实2. the state of being real. 真實 真实3. (often in plural reˈalities) a fact. Death and sorrow are two of the grim realities of human existence. 事實 事实ˈreally adverb1. in fact. He looks a fool but he is really very clever. 真正地,事實上 真正地,事实上 2. very. That's a really nice hat! 非常 非常 interjection an expression of surprise, protest, doubt etc. `I'm going to be the next manager.' `Oh really?'; Really! You mustn't be so rude! (表示驚訝、抗議、懷疑)真的嗎? (用于表示惊奇、怀疑等)当真? real estate (the buying and selling of) land and houses. 房地產 房地产for real (especially American) genuine; true. He says he's got a new bike, but I don't know if that's for real. (尤指美國)真的,不假的 (尤指美国)真的,实在的 in reality really; actually. He pretends to be busy, but in reality he has very little to do. 事實上 事实上


真实的zhCN, 真的zhCN
  • Do you have real coffee? (US)
    Have you got real coffee? (UK) → 有真正的咖啡吗?
  • Do you have real milk? (US)
    Have you got real milk? (UK) → 有新鲜牛奶吗?



colloquial Especially; very; particularly. Essentially a shortening of "really." Primarily heard in US. This cake is real tasty, Mary! I'm feelin' real fine, thanks for asking!


mod. very; really. This is a real fine party.
  • (I'll) see you (again) (real) soon
  • 4 real
  • a (real) frog-choker
  • a (real) frog-strangler
  • a (real) toad-choker
  • a (real) toad-strangler
  • a live one
  • a real dilly
  • a real dynamo
  • a real howler
  • a real looker
  • be a toss-up
  • for real
  • get real
  • Get real!
  • in real life
  • in real time
  • Keep it real!
  • real
  • real gone
  • real McCoy
  • real McCoy, the
  • real men don't eat quiche
  • real thing
  • real time
  • sound like a (real) winner
  • the real deal
  • the real McCoy
  • the real Simon Pure
  • the real thing
  • the struggle is real
  • will the real (someone) please stand up
  • will the real someone please stand up
  • would the real (someone) please stand up



11. Philosophy existent or relating to actual existence (as opposed to nonexistent, potential, contingent, or apparent) 2. Economics (of prices, incomes, wages, etc.) considered in terms of purchasing power rather than nominal currency value 3. denoting or relating to immovable property such as land and tenements 4. Physics See image5. Maths involving or containing real numbers alone; having no imaginary part 6. Musica. (of the answer in a fugue) preserving the intervals as they appear in the subject b. denoting a fugue as having such an answer 7. short for real number


2 a former small Spanish or Spanish-American silver coin


3 the standard monetary unit of Brazil, divided into 100 centavos 2. a former coin of Portugal


(1)Not simulated. Often used as a specific antonym tovirtual in any of its jargon senses.


(mathematics)real number.



Acronym for Revised European-American Classification of Lymphoid Neoplasms. See: REAL classification.


Related to real: real estate, Real Player


In Civil Law, relating to a thing (whether movable or immovable), as distinguished from a person. Relating to land, as distinguished from Personal Property. This term is applied to lands, tenements, and hereditaments.


denoting or relating to immovable property such as land and tenements.

POINDING, REAL, or poinding of the ground, Scotch law. Though it be properly a diligence, this is generally considered by lawyers as a species of real action, and is so called to distinguish it from personal poinding, which is founded merely on an obligation to pay.
2. Every debitum fundi, whether legal or conventional, is a foundation for this action. It is therefore competent to all creditors in debts which make a real burden on lands. As it proceeds on a, real right, it may be directed against all goods that can be found on the lands burdened but, 1. Goods brought upon the ground by strangers are not subject to this diligence. 2. Even the goods of a tenant cannot be poinded for more than his term's rent, Ersk. Pr. L. Scot. 4, 1, 3.

REAL. A term which is applied to land in its most enlarged signification. Real security, therefore, means the security of mortgages or other incumbrances affecting lands. 2 Atk. 806; S. C. 2 Ves. sen. 547.
2. In the civil law, real has not the same meaning as it has in the common law. There it signifies what relates to a thing, whether it be movable or immovable, lands or goods; thus, a real injury is one which is done to a thing, as a trespass to property, whether it be real or personal in the common law sense. A real statute is one which relates to a thing, in contradistinction to such as relate to a person,



Used in the context of general equities. (1) natural, (2) not dividend roll-or program trading-related; (3) not tax-related. "Real" indications have three major repercussions: a) pricing will be more favorable to the other side of the trade since an investment bank is not committing any capital; b) price pressure will be stronger if real since a natural buyer/seller may have information leading to his decision or more behind it, and c) an uptick may be required for the trader to transact if the indication is not real and the trader has no long position.


1. Describing a variable that takes inflation into account. For example, when considering GDP growth, if GDP has grown 10% in dollar terms, and the inflation rate is 3%, real GDP growth is only 7%. See also: Nominal.

2. See: Tangible.


REALRevised European American Lymphoma
REALRealize Everybody Ain't Loyal
REALRace and Ethnic Ancestry Law (journal)
REALRealistic, Equal, Active, for Life (women's organization; Canada)
REALRéseau Européen des Associations de Professeurs de Langues (French: European Network of Language Teacher Associations; EU)
REALRemote Electronic Access for Libraries
REALRhymes Equal Actual Life (rapper KRS-One; circa 1990)
REALRural Economic Assistance League (Texas)
REALRural Education and Action for Liberation (India)
REALRecreation Excellence at Army Lakes (CELRN program)
REALReserve Education And Learning
REALRoutine Economic Airlift
REALRadical Extreme Athletes League
REALRespect, Equality, Awareness and Learning (University of Georgia debates)
REALRule Extraction As Learning (neural networks)


Related to real: real estate, Real Player
  • all
  • adj
  • adv
  • noun

Synonyms for real

adj true


  • true
  • actual
  • genuine
  • concrete
  • sincere
  • tangible
  • honest
  • factual
  • existent
  • palpable
  • dinkum
  • unimagined
  • unfeigned

adj genuine


  • genuine
  • authentic
  • bona fide
  • dinkum


  • affected
  • false
  • fake
  • faked
  • imaginary
  • imitation
  • counterfeit
  • feigned
  • insincere

adj proper


  • proper
  • true
  • valid
  • legitimate

adj true


  • true
  • actual

adj typical


  • typical
  • true
  • earnest
  • genuine
  • sincere
  • unaffected
  • heartfelt
  • wholehearted
  • untainted
  • dinkum
  • unfeigned
  • unpretended

adj serious


  • serious
  • pressing
  • worrying
  • significant
  • severe
  • urgent
  • weighty

adj complete


  • complete
  • right
  • total
  • perfect
  • positive
  • absolute
  • utter
  • thorough
  • veritable
  • out-and-out

adv extremely


  • extremely
  • very
  • really
  • particularly
  • seriously
  • terribly
  • remarkably
  • unusually
  • jolly
  • awfully
  • uncommonly

Synonyms for real

adj having verifiable existence


  • concrete
  • objective
  • substantial
  • substantive
  • tangible

adj in agreement or correspondence with fact


  • actual
  • true

adj not counterfeit or copied


  • actual
  • authentic
  • bona fide
  • genuine
  • good
  • indubitable
  • original
  • true
  • undoubted
  • unquestionable

adj devoid of any hypocrisy or pretense


  • genuine
  • heartfelt
  • hearty
  • honest
  • natural
  • sincere
  • true
  • unaffected
  • unfeigned
  • unmannered

Synonyms for real

noun any rational or irrational number


  • real number

Related Words

  • dot product
  • inner product
  • scalar product
  • complex number
  • complex quantity
  • imaginary
  • imaginary number
  • rational
  • rational number
  • irrational
  • irrational number

noun the basic unit of money in Brazil

Related Words

  • centavo
  • Brazilian monetary unit

noun an old small silver Spanish coin

Related Words

  • coin

adj being or occurring in fact or actuality


  • existent

Related Words

  • concrete
  • echt
  • genuine
  • realistic
  • sincere


  • unreal

adj no less than what is stated


  • unreal

adj not to be taken lightly

Related Words

  • serious

adj capable of being treated as fact


  • tangible

Related Words

  • concrete

adj being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something


  • literal
  • actual
  • genuine

Related Words

  • true

adj of, relating to, or representing an amount that is corrected for inflation

Related Words

  • economic science
  • economics
  • political economy


  • nominal

adj having substance or capable of being treated as fact


  • substantial
  • material

Related Words

  • material

adj (of property) fixed or immovable

Related Words

  • tangible

adj coinciding with reality


  • veridical

Related Words

  • realistic

adv used as intensifiers


  • rattling
  • very
  • really




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