Abraham Trembley

Trembley, Abraham


Born Sept. 3,1710, in Geneva; died there May 12,1784. Swiss naturalist. Member of the Royal Society (1743); correspondent of the French Academy of Sciences (1749).

Trembley discovered the ability of an organism to regenerate itself completely from its sectioned parts. Cutting a hydra into several parts, he established that each part regenerates itself, growing into a complete organism. His research in regeneration was published in the work Memoirs: Toward a History of a Genus of Freshwater Polyp With Horn-shaped Arms (1744; Russian translation, 1937). This work furthered the establishment of experimental methods in biology.


Kanaev, 1.1. Abraam Tramble. Leningrad, 1972.
Baker, J. R. Abraham Trembley of Geneva: Scientist and Philosopher, 1710–1784. London, 1952.