triple X syndrome

tri·ple X syn·drome

trisomy of the X chromosome; original observations (made in mental institutions) were seriously biased and the phenotypic changes spurious. Intelligence may be at the lower range of normal, stature is usually tall, there may be speech and behavioral problems. The outstanding feature of the syndrome is the occurrence of twin Barr bodies in a typical cell.

tri·ple X syn·drome

trisomy of the X chromosome; original observations (made in mental institutions) were seriously biased and the phenotypic changes spurious. Intelligence may be at the lower range of normal, stature is usually tall, there may be speech and behavioral problems. The outstanding feature of the syndrome is the occurrence of twin Barr bodies in a typical cell.
A condition that may affect any woman with 2 or more X chromosomes. The symptoms tend to be more pronounced with more X chromosomes

triple X syndrome

XXX syndrome, see there.