Volga-Kama Preserve
Volga-Kama Preserve
located in the Tatar ASSR; established in 1960 to preserve valuable natural habitats. The Volga-Kama Preserve consists of two areas. The Raifa section, 25 km west of Kazan, is 3,846 hectares (ha; 1969). Growing together on a small area are southe’rn taiga, mixed forest and broad-leaved forest, with characteristic plants and animals. Under the canopy of the forest and in the swamps are found salvinia, one-flowered wintergreen, Siberian twinflower, orchids, and rare species of sedge. In 1921 a dendrological garden of 23.2 ha was laid out in which more than 300 arboreal and shrub varieties from Europe, Asia, and America are represented.
The Saraly area is located at the mouth of the Kama River on the shore of the Kuibyshev Reservoir. Its area is 3,692 ha (1969), with the adjacent 500-meter strip of water. Pine forests prevail on the dunes, and there are linden, oak, and birch forests. Thickets of ground cherry and feathergrass are found along the Volga slopes.
Among the animals common to both areas of the preserve are elk, hares (gray and mountain), foxes, badgers, and mink. The Raifa area is inhabited by such birds as the capercaillie and hazel hen, as well as by the common squirrel. The Saraly area is inhabited by the red squirrel, which was brought from the Altai during 1951-52, the river beaver, which was released in the preserve in 1962, and grouse.
Volzhsko-Kamskii gosudarstvennyi zapovednik: Putevoditel’. Kazan, 1964.Zapovedniki Sovetskogo Soiuza. Moscow, 1969.