pretibial fever


 [pre-tib´e-al] in front of the tibia" >tibia.pretibial fever leptospirosis" >leptospirosis due to Leptospira interrogans serogroup autumnalis, marked by a rash on the pretibial region, with lumbar and postorbital pain, malaise, nasal inflammation, and fever. Also known as Fort Bragg fever because it was observed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

pre·tib·i·al fe·ver

a mild disease first observed among military personnel at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, characterized by fever, moderate prostration, splenomegaly, and a rash on the anterior aspects of the legs; due to the autumnalis serovar of Leptospira interrogans. Synonym(s): Fort Bragg fever

pre·tib·i·al fe·ver

(prē-tib'ē-ăl fē'vĕr) A mild disease first observed among U.S. military personnel at Fort Bragg, NC, characterized by fever, moderate prostration, splenomegaly, and a rash on the anterior aspects of the legs; due to the autumnalis serovar of Leptospira interrogans.
Synonym(s): Fort Bragg fever.