释义 |
an·or·tho·clase A5337800 (ăn-ôr′thə-klās′)n. A white to colorless triclinic mineral of the alkali feldspar group that contains a higher proportion of sodium than potassium and is a common constituent in the matrices of slightly alkaline volcanic rocks. [Greek an-, not; see a-1 + orthos, straight + klasis, a breaking (from its having two planes of cleavage intersecting at a slightly oblique angle); see orthoclase.]TranslationsanorthoclaseenUK
anorthoclase[ə′nȯr·thə‚klās] (mineralogy) A triclinic alkali feldspar having a chemical composition ranging from Or40 Ab60 to Or10 Ab90 to about 20 mole % An, where Or = KAlSi3O8, Ab = NaAlSi3O8, and An = CaAl2Si2O8. Also known as anorthose; soda microcline. |