take up (the) cudgels against (someone or something)

take up (the) cudgels against (someone or something)

To prepare for or engage in a conflict against someone or something. May or may not refer to literally arming oneself. People from across the country are taking up the cudgels against the dictatorship. We have to be willing to take up the cudgels if we ever want to loosen the grip of these greedy corporations.See also: cudgel, take, up

take up the cudgels


take up the cudgel

If you take up the cudgels for someone or take up the cudgel for them, you speak or fight in support of them. The trade unions took up the cudgels for the 367 staff who were made redundant. We are hoping that the government will take up the cudgel on our behalf. Note: A cudgel was a short, thick stick that was used as a weapon in the past. See also: cudgel, take, up

take up the cudgels

start to support someone or something strongly.See also: cudgel, take, up

take up the cudgels

To join in a dispute, especially in defense of a participant.See also: cudgel, take, up