Sergeev, Evgenii

Sergeev, Evgenii Mikhailovich


Born Mar. 10 (23), 1914, in Moscow. Soviet geologist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1966). Member of the CPSU since 1939. Sergeev graduated from Moscow University in 1940 and served in the Soviet Army in the years 1941–43. He began working in the department of geology at Moscow University in 1940 and became a professor there in 1953. In 1954 he became head of the subdepartment of soil science and engineering geology, and in the years 1954–57 and 1963–64, he was dean of the department of geology. He became prorector of the university in 1964. Sergeev’s principal works deal with engineering geology, soil science, and hydrogeology. Sergeev is the author of the textbook General Soil Science (1952; fourth edition entitled Soil Science, 1973). Sergeev has received honorary doctorates from the universities of Bratislava (1972) and Warsaw (1974). He has been awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, four other orders, and various medals.


Metodicheskoe posobie po inzhenerno-geologicheskomu izucheniiu gor-nykhporod. Moscow, 1968.