

单词 pdm



abbr. Latin Pedagogiae Magister (Master of Pedagogy)



(industrial engineering) precedence diagram method (communications) pulse-duration modulation


(1)Product Development Management.


(2)Product Data Management.


(1) (Product Data Management) An information system used to manage the data for a product as it passes from engineering to manufacturing. The data includes plans, geometric models, CAD drawings, images, NC programs as well as all related project data, notes and documents. A PDM also manages the interrelationships between the data so that when changes are made to one database, the effects are highlighted in the others. PDMs are developed for workgroups as well as the entire enterprise. See PLM.

(2) (Pulse Density Modulation) A modulation technique that generates fixed-width pulses to represent the amplitude of an analog input signal. Like its variable-width pulse width modulation (PWM) cousin, the output switching transistor is on more of the time for a high-amplitude input signal and off more of the time for a low-amplitude signal. PDM is used for audio signals in a variety of applications from cellphones to Sony's DSD (SACD) music format. See DSD, PWM and Class D amplifier.


PDMProgram Decision Memorandum
PDMPresidential Decision Memorandum
PDMProduct Data Management
PDMPlanning and Decision Making (various organizations)
PDMPredictive Maintenance
PDMPre-Disaster Mitigation (FEMA)
PDMPlano Director Municipal (Portuguese: Municipal Master Plan)
PDMPre-Disaster Mitigation (FEMA Grant Program)
PDMPhysical Data Model
PDMProduktdatenmanagement (German: Product Data Management)
PDMProduct Manager
PDMPIX Device Manager (Cisco)
PDMPeople's Democratic Movement
PDMPower Distribution Management (industrial engineering)
PDMPolycrystalline Diamond
PDMParallel Data Mining
PDMProfessional Data Management (various companies)
PDMPix Device Manager
PDMProcess Debug Manager
PDMPortable Dialog Manager
PDMProtocol Driver Module
PDMPower Down Mode
PDMPix Device Module
PDMParallel Development Manager
PDMProduct and Document Management
PDMPulse Density Modulation
PDMPassenger Door Module
PDMPhendimetrazine (diet pill)
PDMProgramme Development and Management (World Health Organization)
PDMProvider Data Management (Availity)
PDMPhysical Distribution Management
PDMPart de Marché (French: market share)
PDMPinakothek Der Moderne (German: The Modern Art Gallery)
PDMPrint, Design and Marketing (various locations)
PDMProfessional Development Meeting
PDMPartnership Development Manager (scholastic sports; UK)
PDMProgrammed Depot Maintenance
PDMPower Distribution Module
PDMPredictive Data Migration
PDMPulse Duration Modulation
PDMPrecedence Diagramming Method
PDMPrehospital and Disaster Medicine
PDMPersonal Dust Monitor
PDMPartito Democratico Meridionale (Italian: Southern Democratic Party)
PDMPharmacokinetics, Dynamics and Metabolism (Pfizer)
PDMProduct Development Manager
PDMPartidul Democrat din Moldova (Romanian: Democratic Party of Moldova)
PDMPeriodic Depot Maintenance
PDMProgramming Development Manager
PDMProcess Device Manager
PDMPulse-Density Modulation
PDMProduction Data Management
PDMProduct Data Manager
PDMPittsburgh-Des Moines Steel (various locations)
PDMPersonal Data Manager (portable hardware tool)
PDMPoint Distribution Model
PDMPainting, Decorating and Maintenance (John Wayne Gacy business)
PDMPhased Depot Maintenance
PDMPublic Debt Management
PDMProject Design and Management
PDMPursuit Deterrent Munition
PDMPositive Displacement Motor
PDMProject Data Manager
PDMProject Document Management
PDMParlance Document Manager (Xyvision Electronic Publishing System)
PDMParallel Disk Model
PDMProgram Data Management
PDMPolicy-Driven Management
PDMPalm Digital Media (electronic book format)
PDMProtocol-Dependent Module (Cisco)
PDMPhase Difference Modulation
PDMPassenger Door Module (automotive)
PDMProgram Decision Meeting
PDMPartido Democratico Maubere (Maubere Democratic Party, East Timor)
PDMPrecalculus and Discrete Math
PDMProcessor Data Module
PDMProduct Description Manual
PDMPulse Delta Modulation
PDMPossible Duplicate Message
PDMPrimary Deployment Mechanism
PDMPhilips Dupont Magnetics
PDMProgram Development Methodology
PDMPsychological Disaster Management (Swedish disaster victim support group)
PDMPaddle Drive Mechanism
PDMProduct-Differentiated Marketing
PDMProbabalistic Dilution Model (US EPA)
PDMPropellant Distribution Module
PDMPower Density Monitor
PDMParticipatory/Participative Decision Making
PDMPrimary Drive Motor
PDMProcess Definition and Maintenance
PDMPaul Diatlovich Motorsports (Indy Racing team)
PDMProcess Data Marshalling
PDMPursuit Deterrent Mine
PDMPreliminary Development Model
PDMPacket Data Module
PDMPrincipal Deer Manager
PDMPulse Division Multiplex
PDMPine Derivatives Marketing, Inc. (Wilmington, DE)
PDMProblem Definition Memo
PDMProject Data Manual
PDMPAWS Display Manager
PDMPreliminary Design Meeting
PDMProcess Development Mapping (Sprint)
PDMPrecision Destruction Munition(s)
PDMProfessional DJ (Disc Jockey) Mixer (various companies)
PDMPropellant Dispersion Munition
PDMProgram Development Manual
PDMProgram Design Manual
PDMProtein-Detecting Microarray




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