Sergei Alekseevich Usov

Usov, Sergei Alekseevich


Born Jan. 5 (17), 1827, in Moscow; died there Oct. 27 (Nov. 8), 1886. Russian zoologist.

Usov graduated from Moscow University in 1858. He became a member of the university’s staff in 1861 and was appointed a professor in 1868. From 1864 to 1870 he headed the Moscow Zoological Park, which he had helped found. In his lectures and articles on problems of vertebrate zoology, Usov developed the views of his teacher K. F. Rul’e on the dependence of an animal’s structure and way of life on its environment. Usov produced a number of works on archaeology and art history.


Sochineniia, vol. 1: Stat’i zoologicheskie. Edited by M. A. Menzbir. Moscow, 1888.


Menzbir, M. Sergei Alekseevich Usov. Moscow, 1887.
Raikov, B. E. Russkie biologi-evoliutsionisty do Darvina, vol. 4. Moscow-Leningrad, 1959.