Sergei Borodin
Borodin, Sergei Petrovich
(until 1941, pseudonym of Amir Sargidzhan). Born Sept. 12 (25), 1902, in Moscow. Soviet Russian writer. Member of the CPSU since 1943.
Borodin graduated from the V. Ia. Briusov Higher Institute of Literature and Art in 1926. He has been living in Tashkent since 1951. He is the author of the following works: the novels The Last Bukhara (1932) and The Egyptian (1932), the collection of short stories The Master of the Birds (1934), the novella The Birth of the Flowers (1938), the historical novel Dmitrii Donskoi (1941; State Prize of the USSR, 1942), and the unfinished historical trilogy Stars Over Samarkand (Timur the Lame, book 1, 1953–54; Campaign Bonfires, book 2, 1957–59; and some chapters of book 3 of The Lightning-Fast Baiazet, which have been serialized). Borodin’s books are marked by historical authenticity and national color. He translates from Tadzhik, Uzbek, Hindi, and other languages. He has been awarded two orders and also medals.
Sobr. soch. v 5 tomakh, vols. 1–4—. Tashkent, 1958–60—. [Introductory article by G. P. Vladimirov.]REFERENCES
Avaliani, Iu., and L. Roizenzon. “Zametki o iazyke i stile isto-richeskikh romanov S. Borodina.” Zvezda Vostoka, 1955, no. 11.Starikova, E. “Narod—eto liudi.” Novyi mir, 1956, no. 7.
Vladimirov, G. Poeziia pravdy. Stat’i o tvorchestve S. Borodina. Tashkent, 1959.
Russkie sovetskie pisateli-prozaiki, vol. 1. Leningrad, 1959. (Bibliographical index.)