

单词 pdr



A trademark for Physicians' Desk Reference, a group of reference books containing information about drugs, especially one of these books listing prescription drugs.


abbreviation for (Stock Exchange) price-dividend ratio


Physicians' Desk Reference.



Abbrev. for photodissociation region.


(engineering) precision depth recorder



 Physicians' Desk Reference.


Abbreviation for Physicians' Desk Reference.


A trademark for Physicians' Desk Reference, a group of reference works, including books and databases, that provide information about prescription drugs.


Abbreviation for:
pancreaticoduodenal resection
personal development review 
Physicians’ Desk Reference
proliferative diabetic retinopathy
pulsed dose rate


Physicians Desk Reference A book published annually that lists all ± 2500 US therapeutics requiring a physician prescription PDR 7 color-coded sections White Manufacturers' index, containing the company addresses and list of products Pink Product name index, an alphabetical listing of the drugs by brand name Blue Product classification, where drugs are subdivided into therapeutic classes Yellow Generic and chemical name index Multicolored Photographs of the most commonly prescribed tablets and capsules White Product information, a reprint of the manufacturers' product inserts and Green Diagnostic product information, a list of manufacturers of diagnostic tests used in office practice and the hospital; Cf Over-the-counter drugs &nbsp. ;.


PDRPhysicians' Desk Reference
PDRPaintless Dent Repair (automobiles; various companies)
PDRProfessional Development and Research (various locations)
PDRPiece de Resistance
PDRPeople's Democratic Republic (various nations)
PDRPoint of Diminishing Returns
PDRPacket Delivery Ratio
PDRPaul Davis Restoration
PDRPreliminary Design Review
PDRPurchase of Development Rights
PDRPerformance and Development Review (appraisal)
PDRPetition for Discretionary Review (law; various locations)
PDRPersonal Development Review
PDRPersonal Digital Recorder
PDRPayee Data Record (California)
PDRPlanning, Development and Rehabilitation (Church of Uganda)
PDRPublic Document Room
PDRProliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
PDRProvider Dispute Resolution (various organizations)
PDRPremium Deficiency Reserve
PDRPreliminary Data Requirements
PDRPen Drive Reader
PDRPortable Digital Recorder
PDRProject Development Review
PDRPlease Don't Rush
PDRPublic Data Release (US EPA)
PDRPlan, Do, Review (various organizations)
PDRPower Distribution Rack (computing)
PDRPhiladelphia Department of Recreation (Philadelphia, PA)
PDRPolymorphism Discovery Resource
PDRPeak Data Rate
PDRPrivate Dining Room
PDRPersonal Development Record
PDRPizza De Resistance (restaurant)
PDRPost-Deployment Review (US DoD)
PDRPerformance Data Reporting
PDRPreliminary Design Report
PDRProved Developed Reserve (oil exploration)
PDRPost Doctoral Research
PDRPlanar Di-Electric Resonator
PDRProdukte Durch Recycling
PDRPerformance Data Request
PDRPrecision Depth Recorder
PDRProfessional Development Reimbursement (various organizations)
PDRProfessional Development Recognition
PDRProgram Director's Review (various organizations)
PDRPaintless Dent Removal/Repair
PDRProject Definition Report
PDRPartisë Demokrate të Reformuar (Reformed Democratic Party, Albania)
PDRProduction Decision Review
PDRPulse Doppler Radar
PDRPublic Disclosure Request (proprietary information)
PDRPlaya Del Racing (racing team; Indianapolis, IN)
PDRPhoto Dissociation Region
PDRProgram Design Review
PDRProgram Deviation Report
PDRPygmy Dipole Resonance
PDRPerson Directly Resposible
PDRPrice Deviation Request (sales)
PDRPulse Dose Rate (radiation therapy)
PDRPersonal Dead-Reckoning (position location system)
PDRPioneer Development Resources
PDRPreferential Departure Route
PDRProgrammable Digital Radio
PDRPod Diver Radio (Scuba Podcast)
PDRPeriscope Detection Radar
PDRProduct Delivery Record
PDRPhilippine Defense Ribbon
PDRPreliminary Data Report
PDRPolicy Development & Review Department (International Monetary Fund)
PDRProcessor Data Rate
PDRPolicy Delivery Receipt (insurance)
PDRPigmentary Disorder, Reticulate, with Systemic Manifestations
PDRParticulate Data Reduction
PDRPilot-to-Data Power Ratio (CDMA coding)
PDRPeer Dispute Resolution
PDRProgram Data Requirement
PDRPeriodic Documentation Review
PDRPersonal Digital Reader
PDRPacket Discard Rate
PDRPeriscope Depth Range
PDRPlanned Deviation Request
PDRPlantwide Data Report
PDRProfessional Development Ribbon
PDRProspective Drug Review
PDRPressurized Deuterium Reactor
PDRProcess Design Review
PDRPolicy Deviation Request
PDRPositive Discrepancy Revenue
PDRPartial Digits Received
PDRPrisoner Data Report
PDRPre-Delivery Router
PDRPremium Deposit Reserve (insurance)
PDRProgram Definition Review
PDRProduct Defect Rate
PDRProbabilistic Delay Routing
PDRPresent Day Ruth (Anastasia Means Dallas play)
PDRPower Distribution Receptacle
PDRProblem Detail Report
PDRPest Detection Report (California)
PDRProgram Document Review (Army Training)
PDRPressure Difference Ratio




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