

单词 real number

real number

re·al number

R0069700 (rē′əl, rēl)n. A number that is either rational or the limit of a sequence of rational numbers.

real number

n (Mathematics) a number expressible as a limit of rational numbers. See number1

re′al num′ber

(ˈri əl, ril)

n. a rational number or the limit of a sequence of rational numbers. [1905–10]

re·al number

(rē′əl) A number that is rational or irrational and not imaginary. The numbers 2, -12.5, 3/7 , and pi are all real numbers.
Noun1.real number - any rational or irrational numberrealdot product, inner product, scalar product - a real number (a scalar) that is the product of two vectorscomplex number, complex quantity, imaginary, imaginary number - (mathematics) a number of the form a+bi where a and b are real numbers and i is the square root of -1rational, rational number - an integer or a fractionirrational, irrational number - a real number that cannot be expressed as a rational number

real number

real number:

see numbernumber,
entity describing the magnitude or position of a mathematical object or extensions of these concepts. The Natural Numbers

Cardinal numbers describe the size of a collection of objects; two such collections have the same (cardinal) number of objects if their
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Real Number


any positive number, negative number, or zero. Real numbers are divided into rational and irrational numbers. A rational number is representable both in the form of a rational fraction, that is, the fraction p/q, where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0, and in the form of a finite or infinite repeating decimal. An irrational number is representable only in the form of an infinite nonrepeating decimal.

A rigorous theory of real numbers, which makes it possible to define irrational numbers by proceeding from rational numbers, was developed only in the second half of the 19th century by K. Weierstrass, R. Dedekind, and G. Cantor. The set of all real numbers is called the number line and is designated by R. This set is ordered linearly and forms a field with respect to the fundamental arithmetic operations (addition and multiplication). The set of rational numbers is everywhere dense in R, and R is its completion. The number line R is similar to a geometric line, in the sense that it is possible a one-to-one order preserving correspondence between the numbers of R and the points on a line. The most important feature of the number line is its continuity. The principle of the continuity of the number line has several different formulations owing to Weierstrass, Dedekind, and Cantor. The Weierstrass principle: any nonempty set of numbers bounded from above has a (unique) least upper bound. The Dedekind principle: any cut in the domain of real numbers has a boundary. The Cantor principle (the principle of nested sequences): the intersection of a nested sequence of intervals {[an, bn]} of the number whose lengths tend to zero consists of a single real number.

The theory of real numbers is one of the most important issues of mathematics. The properties of the number line are the foundation of the theory of limits and thus of the entire structure of modern mathematical analysis.


real number

[′rēl ′nəm·bər] (mathematics) Any member of the real number system.

real number

a number expressible as a limit of rational numbers

real number

(mathematics)One of the infinitely divisible range of valuesbetween positive and negative infinity, used to representcontinuous physical quantities such as distance, time andtemperature.

Between any two real numbers there are infinitely many morereal numbers. The integers ("counting numbers") are realnumbers with no fractional part and real numbers ("measuringnumbers") are complex numbers with no imaginary part. Realnumbers can be divided into rational numbers and irrational numbers.

Real numbers are usually represented (approximately) bycomputers as floating point numbers.

Strictly, real numbers are the equivalence classes of theCauchy sequences of rationals under the equivalence relation "~", where a ~ b if and only if a-b is Cauchy withlimit 0.

The real numbers are the minimal topologically closedfield containing the rational field.

A sequence, r, of rationals (i.e. a function, r, from thenatural numbers to the rationals) is said to be Cauchyprecisely if, for any tolerance delta there is a size, N,beyond which: for any n, m exceeding N,

| r[n] - r[m] | < delta

A Cauchy sequence, r, has limit x precisely if, for anytolerance delta there is a size, N, beyond which: for any nexceeding N,

| r[n] - x | < delta

(i.e. r would remain Cauchy if any of its elements, no matterhow late, were replaced by x).

It is possible to perform addition on the reals, because theequivalence class of a sum of two sequences can be shown to bethe equivalence class of the sum of any two sequencesequivalent to the given originals: ie, a~b and c~d impliesa+c~b+d; likewise a.c~b.d so we can perform multiplication.Indeed, there is a natural embedding of the rationals in thereals (via, for any rational, the sequence which takes noother value than that rational) which suffices, when extendedvia continuity, to import most of the algebraic properties ofthe rationals to the reals.




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