Sergei Karpachev

Karpachev, Sergei Vasil’evich


Born Feb 24 (Mar. 9), 1906, in Kostroma. Soviet inorganic chemist; specialist in electrochemistry. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1970). Member of the CPSU since 1944. Graduated from the Urals Polytechnic Institute (1930). Member of the Presidium of the Urals Scientific Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (from 1971) and director of the Sverdlovsk Electrochemical Institute.

Karpachev’s main works deal with the electrochemical kinetics of processes occurring in molten and solid electrolytes. He studied the nature of metal solutions in salt melts, and determined the zero points of various metals in the liquid state. Kar-pachev was awarded the State Prize of the USSR (1950 and 1951), the Order of Lenin, four other orders, and several medals.


Smirnov, M. V., and S. F. Pafguev. “S. V. Karpachev (k 60-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia).” Elektrokhimiia, 1966, vol. 2, fasc. 5.