Sergei Mikhailovich Seredonin
Seredonin, Sergei Mikhailovich
Born Aug. 30 (Sept. 11), 1860, in St. Petersburg; died July 26 (Aug. 8), 1914, in the village of Krasnoe, in what is now Yaroslavl Oblast. Russian historian.
Seredonin graduated from the University of St. Petersburg in 1883. He taught history in various Gymnasiums and at the Naval Cadet Corps. In 1892 he became a privatdocent at the University of St. Petersburg, where he gave lectures until his death. Beginning in 1901, he was also a professor at the Historical and Philological Institute. His specialities were Russian history of the late 16th century, domestic politics, and historical geography. Seredonin wrote a fundamental work on the history of higher state institutions, A Historical Survey of the Work of the Committee of Ministers, which deals with the period 1802–81.
Sochinenie Dzhil’sa Fletchera “Of the Russe Common Wealth” kak istoricheskii istochnik. St. Petersburg, 1891.Istoricheskii obzor deiatel’nosti Komitela ministrov, vols. 1–3. St. Petersburg, 1902.
Graf M. M. Speranskii. Ocherk gosudarstvennoi deiatel’nosti. St. Petersburg, 1909.
Istoricheskaia geografiia. Petrograd, 1916.