Prevotella melaninogenica

Prev·o·tel·la mel·a·ni'n·o·ge'·ni·ca

a species found in the mouth, feces, infections of the mouth, soft tissue, respiratory tract, urogenital tract, and intestinal tract; implicated in periodontal disease; seen in aspiration. The type species of Pretovella. Synonym(s): Bacteroides melaninogenicus

Prev·o·tel·la mel·a·nin·o·gen·ic·a

(prev'ō-tel'ă mel'ă-nin-ō-jen'i-kă) A bacterial species found in the mouth, feces, infections of the mouth, soft tissue, respiratory tract, urogenital tract, and intestinal tract. Implicated in periodontal disease; seen in aspiration pneumonitis. The type species of Prevotella.

Prev·o·tel·la mel·a·nin·o·gen·ic·a

(prev'ō-tel'ă mel'ă-nin-ō-jen'i-kă) Bacterial species found in the mouth, feces, soft tissue, and the respiratory, urogenital, and intestinal tracts; implicated in periodontal disease. Type species of Pretovella.