Sergei Nikitich Bratus

Bratus’, Sergei Nikitich


Born Oct. 6 (19), 1904, in Konotop. Soviet scholar and jurist. Doctor of law (1943), professor, and Honored Scholar of the RSFSR (1960). Member of the CPSU since 1954. Senior research worker of the All-Union Research Institute of Soviet Legislation (director from 1963 to 1969) and chairman of the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission.

The major works of Bratus’ are in the fields of the general theory of law and Soviet civil law. These works include Juridical Persons in Soviet Civil Law (1947), Subjects of Civil Law (1950), Questions of Economic Contract (1954, coauthor), Subject Matter and System of Soviet Civil Law (1963), and General Theory of Soviet Law (1966, coauthor). He has also been the coauthor of textbooks in these disciplines.