Sergei Nikolaevich Vernov
Vernov, Sergei Nikolaevich
Born June 28 (July 11), 1910, in Sestroretsk. Soviet physicist. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1968; corresponding member, 1953).
Upon graduating from the Leningrad Polytechnical Institute in 1931, Vernov worked at the Radium Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In 1936 he began working at the Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and in 1944, as a professor at Moscow State University. Vernov’s principal works deal with the study of the nature and properties of cosmic rays in the upper layers of the atmosphere and beyond. He discovered and studied the latitudinal effect of cosmic rays in the stratosphere and determined the energy spectrum of primary radiation. He has investigated the transitional effects in cosmic rays and ascertained the origin of the electron-photon component of cosmic rays (State Prize, 1949). Together with A. E. Chudakov and others, Vernov discovered the earth’s external radiation belt (Lenin Prize, 1960). He has been awarded the Order of Lenin and three other orders.
“Shirotnyi effekt kosmicheskikh luchei v stratosfere i proverka kaskadnoi teorii.” Trudy Fizicheskogo instituta im. P. N. Lebedeva, 1945, vol. 3, issue 1.“Izuchenie vzaimodeistviia pervichnoi komponenty kosmicheskikh luchei s veshchestvom v stratosfere.” Zhurnal eksperimental’noi i teoreticheskoi fiziki, 1949, vol. 19, issue 7.
“Radiatsionnye poiasa Zemli na vysotakh 180-250 km.” Iskusstvennye sputniki Zemli, 1962, vol. 13. (Written in collaboration with others.)
“Izmerenie intensivnosti pronikaiushchego izlucheniia na poverkhnosti Luny.” Dokl. AN SSSR, 1966, vol. 169, no. 5. (Written in collaboration with others.)
“Izmereniia pri polete stantsii ‘Venera-2,’ ‘Venera-3’ i ‘Zond-3’ protonov solnechnogo proiskhozhdeniia s energiei 1 ÷ 5 Mev.” Ibid., vol. 171, no. 4. (Written in collaboration with others.)