Rubin, Abram Izrailevich
Rubin, Abram Izrailevich
(also Avraam Azarievich Rubin). Born 1883; died Oct. 21, 1918, in Piatigorsk. Participant in the October Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War of 1918–20 in the Kuban’ River region, Black Sea region, and the Northern Caucasus. Member of the Communist Party. Delegate to the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets in 1917.
Rubin helped to establish Soviet power in Novorossiisk in December 1917. In March 1918 he became chairman of the executive committee of the soviet of the Black Sea Province. In June 1918 he was elected chairman of the central executive committee of the Kuban’-Black Sea Soviet Republic. On July 7, 1918, he became chairman of the central executive committee of the Northern Caucasus Soviet Republic. He was a member of the Northern Caucasus Krai Committee of the RCP(B). Rubin was arrested and shot, along with other government and party workers, by I. L. Sorokin, traitor to Soviet power and adventurer.