Peace Fund
Peace Fund
in the USSR. The Peace Fund was first formed in the 1960’s from contributions made by working people to support the struggle for peace and national liberation of peoples and to combat imperialist war policy. The fund was organized Apr. 27, 1961, by the Soviet Committee for the Protection of Peace, the Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship and Cultural Ties With Foreign Countries, the Soviet Committee’for Solidarity With the Countries of Asia and Africa, the Committee for Young People’s Organizations in the USSR, the Committee for Soviet Women, the Soviet Committee for War Veterans, the USSR Association for Cooperation With the UN, and the Executive Committee of the Union of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of the USSR. In 1963 the Peace Fund adopted a charter. B. N. Polevoi was named chairman of the administrative board.
Teams of workers take part in the work of the Peace Fund. Commissions to aid the fund have been established at enterprises, kolkhozes, sovkhozes, various establishments, scientific and educational institutions, artistic unions, cooperative organizations, and housing maintenance offices. The resources of the Peace Fund are used to aid peoples fighting against imperialism and struggling for peace, freedom, independence, and social progress. The aid supplied by the Peace Fund is coordinated with other measures by Soviet social organizations to support anti-imperialist national liberation struggles around the world.