attached gingiva


 [jin-ji´vah, jin´jĭ-vah] (pl. gin´givae) (L.) the part of the oral mucosa covering the tooth-bearing border of the jaw; called also gum.Anatomical relationship of normal gingiva in facial view (A) and in cross-section (B). From Darby and Walsh, 1994.alveolar gingiva attached gingiva.areolar gingiva the portion attached to the alveolar process by loose areolar connective tissue.attached gingiva that portion of the gingiva which is firm and resilient and is bound to the underlying cementum and the alveolar bone, thus being immovable. Called also alveolar gingiva the portion that surrounds the tooth and is not directly attached to the tooth surface.

at·tached gin·gi·va

that part of the oral mucosa that is firmly bound to the tooth and alveolar process.

at·tach·ed gin·gi·va

(ă-tacht' jin'ji-vă) That part of the oral mucosa that is firmly bound to the tooth and alveolar process.

at·tached gin·gi·va

(ă-tacht' jin'ji-vă) That part of the oral mucosa firmly bound to the tooth and alveolar process.