Sergei Timofeevich Grigorev

Grigor’ev, Sergei Timofeevich


(pseudonym of S. T. Grigor’ev-Patrashkin). Born Oct. 2 (14). 1875, in Syzran’; died Mar. 20, 1953, in Moscow. Soviet Russian writer.

Grigor’ev began to be published in 1899. He traveled extensively through Russia. He was the author of historical novels and novellas for children and juveniles, including Boys’ Mutiny (1925). Berko, the Soldier’s Son (1927), Alek-sandr Suvorov (1939; revised edition, 1950), The Malakhov Fortress (1941; complete edition, 1944), and Victory of the Sea (1945). as well as the adventure novellas In Search for Death With a Sack (1924) and The Secret of Ania Gai (1925). In his well-told romantic books Grigor’ev extolled valor, loyalty, and courage. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.


Sobr. soch., vols. 1–4 and 8. Moscow, 1927.
Sobr. soch., vols. 1–4. Moscow, 1959–61.


Kuklis, G. S. S. Grigor’ev. Moscow. 1955.
Zhitomirova, N. N. Tvorchestvo S. T. Girgor’eva. Leningrad, 1960.