释义 |
rubricyte[′rü·brə‚sīt] (histology) pronormoblast rubricyte
erythroblast [ĕ-rith´ro-blast] a term originally used for any type of nucleated erythrocyte" >erythrocyte, but now usually limited to one of the nucleated precursors of an erythrocyte, i.e. one of the developmental stages in the series" >erythrocytic series, in contrast to a megaloblast. In this usage, it is called also normoblast.basophilic erythroblast a nucleated precursor in the series" >erythrocytic series, preceding the polychromatophilic erythroblast and following the proerythroblast; the cytoplasm is basophilic, the nucleus is large with clumped chromatin, and the nucleoli have disappeared. Called also basophilic normoblast.orthochromatic erythroblast see normoblast.polychromatic erythroblast (polychromatophilic erythroblast) see normoblast.ru·bri·cyte (rū'bri-sīt), Polychromatic normoblast. See: erythroblast. [L. ruber, red, + kytos, cell] kar·y·o·cyte (kar'ē-ō-sīt) A young, immature normoblast. Synonym(s): rubricyte. [karyo- + G. kytos, cell]
e·ryth·ro·blast (ĕ-rith'rō-blast) The first generation of cells in the red blood cell series that can be distinguished from precursor endothelial cells. In normal maturation, four stages of development can be recognized: pronormoblast, basophilic normoblast, polychromatic normoblast, and orthochromatic normoblast. [erythro- + G. blastos, germ]ThesaurusSeeerythroblast |