Price Marking Order 1979

Price Marking (Bargain Offers) Order 1979

a UK directive (made under the PRICES ACT 1974) which prohibits traders from making vague or misleading PRICE claims such as ‘worth £10 our price £5' and ‘reductions of up to 50%’, and comparisons with prices of other unspecified traders. Genuine bargain-offer price claims must be related to the seller's previous prices (specifically a price the trader has charged for at least 28 consecutive days during the previous six months) or to the manufacturer's RECOMMENDED RETAIL PRICE. See TRADE DESCRIPTIONS ACT 1968, CONSUMER PROTECTION, DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY.

Price Marking (Bargain Offers) Order 1979

a UK directive (made under the PRICE ACT 1974) that prohibits traders from making vague or misleading PRICE claims such as ‘worth £10 - our price £5‘, and ‘reductions of up to 50%‘, and comparisons with prices of other unspecified traders. ‘Genuine‘bargain offer price claims must be related to the seller's previous prices (specifically a price that the trader has charged for at least 28 consecutive days during the previous six months) or to the manufacturer's RECOMMENDED RETAIL PRICE. See CONSUMER PROTECTION.