Vukol Undolskii
Undol’skii, Vukol Mikhailovich
Born 1815; died Nov. 1 (13,) 1864, in Moscow. Russian bibliographer and bibliophile; researcher of manuscripts and old printed books.
Undol’skii published a number of major Russian bibliographical works, including The Titles of Books and Who Wrote Them (1846), Contents of the Minei-Chet’i of Metropolitan Makarii (1847), and Damaskin’s Russian Library (1881). He did research in the history of bibliography (described in “A Survey of Bibliographical Works in Russia,” Moskvitianin, 1846, no. 2). His chief work was A Survey of Slavo-Russian Bibliography (1871), which describes 4,705 editions printed in Cyrillic between 1491 and 1864 (published posthumously in 1871 with supplementary material by A. E. Viktorov and A. F. Bychkov).
Undol’skii collected a large library of 1,422 Slavic and foreign manuscripts and approximately 900 books printed in Cyrillic; the library was subsequently housed in the Rumiantsev Museum. The Slavo-Russian Manuscripts of V. M. Undol’skii, a book which Undol’skii himself compiled, was published in 1870 with supplementary material by A. E. Viktorov.
Bibliograficheskie razyskaniia. Moscow, 1846.Katalog slaviano-russkikh knig tserkovnoi pechati biblioteki A. I. Kasterina. Moscow, 1848.
“Opisanie slavianskikh rukopisei Moskovskoi patriarshei (nyne Sinodal’noi) biblioteki.” Chteniia v. imperatorskom obshchestve istorii i drevnostei rossiiskikh pri Moskovskom universitete, 1867, book 2, section 3.
Barsukov, N. P. Russkie paleologi 40-kh gg. St. Petersburg [1880]Ukhova, T. B. “Miniatiury, ornament i graviury v sobranii V. M. Undol’skogo.” Zapiski Otdela rukopisei biblioteki im. V. I. Lenina, 1956, vol. 18.