Acronym | Definition |
TGS➣Tokyo Game Show |
TGS➣Türkiye Gazeteciler Sendikasi (Turkish: Journalists' Union of Turkey) |
TGS➣The Game Station (gaming network) |
TGS➣Ticket-Granting Service |
TGS➣Tour Guide System (various companies) |
TGS➣Tokyo Girls' Style (dance group) |
TGS➣Tokyo Girls' Style (band) |
TGS➣Triglycine Sulfate (chemical compound) |
TGS➣Ticket-granting Server |
TGS➣Tank Gauging System (automation) |
TGS➣Ticket Granting Service |
TGS➣Template Graphics Software |
TGS➣Ticket Granting Server |
TGS➣Topeka Genealogical Society (Topeka, KS) |
TGS➣Turkish General Staff (Turkey) |
TGS➣The Girlie Show (fictitious sketch comedy show featured on the sitcom 30 Rock) |
TGS➣Tonbridge Grammar School (UK) |
TGS➣The Graveyard Shift |
TGS➣Tolworth Girls School (UK) |
TGS➣The Good Shepherd |
TGS➣The Giving Spirit |
TGS➣Traffic Guidance Scheme (Australia) |
TGS➣Teen Girl Squad |
TGS➣Turkish Ground Services (Istanbul, Turkey) |
TGS➣Travail, Genre et Sociétés (French: Labor, Gender and Societies; journal) |
TGS➣The Gargoyles Saga |
TGS➣Texas Gourd Society |
TGS➣The Geneva School (USA) |
TGS➣The Global Standard (journal) |
TGS➣That Gaming Site (gaming news website) |
TGS➣Tomato Growers Supply |
TGS➣Thomaston Grammar School (Thomaston, Maine) |
TGS➣Trinity Grammar School |
TGS➣Tomographic Gamma Scanner |
TGS➣Technigraphics, Inc. (Wooster, OH) |
TGS➣Turismo Giovanile Sociale (Venice, Italy; Youth and Social Tourism) |
TGS➣The Gaming Shoutcast (online gaming media and broadcast organisation) |
TGS➣Turreted Gun System |
TGS➣Trans-Global Solutions, Inc. (Houston, TX) |
TGS➣Trusted Gateway System (provides secure one-way transfer of data between enclaves) |
TGS➣Telemetry Ground Station |
TGS➣Thornton Grammar School (UK) |
TGS➣Technology & General Services (IMF) |
TGS➣The Gardner School (Vancouver, Washington private school) |
TGS➣Time Generation System |
TGS➣Tiffin Girls' School (Kingston upon Thames, England) |
TGS➣Thetford Grammar School (UK) |
TGS➣The Gaming Syndicate (online gaming community) |
TGS➣Tropical Gum Stain (philatelic imperfection) |
TGS➣Toronto Gymnosophical Society (Glen Echo) |
TGS➣Track Generation System |
TGS➣Tropical Grasslands Society |
TGS➣Target Ground Speed (US Air Force) |
TGS➣Transaction Gateway Server |
TGS➣Transportadora de Gas de Sur SA |
TGS➣Tax on the Circulation of Goods and Services (customs duty) |
TGS➣Tewksbury Girls Softball (Massachusetts) |