TGSLTexas Guaranteed Student Loan
TGSLTorrance Girls Softball League (California)
TGSLTurfloop Graduate School of Leadership (South Africa)
TGSLTransactor Global Solutions Limited (UK)
TGSLTibeter Gemeinschaft in der Schweiz und Liechtenstein (German: Tibetan Community in Switzerland and Liechtenstein)
TGSLThinksoft Global Services Limited (India)
TGSLTalleyville Girls Softball League (Delaware)
TGSLTaunton Girls Softball League (Massachusetts)
TGSLTaylor Girls Softball League (Kokomo, IN)
TGSLTurnpike Girls Softball League (Pennsylvania)
TGSLTechnischer Gebäudeservice Leipzig (German: Technical Building Service Leipzig; Leipzig, Germany)
TGSLTogether for Globally Safe Labor (interest group)
TGSLTewksbury Girls Softball League (Massachusetts)