Acronym | Definition |
URD➣Urdu (language) |
URD➣Urawa Red Diamonds (football club; Japan) |
URD➣Unit of Recovery Descriptor |
URD➣Underground Residential Distribution |
URD➣User Requirements Document |
URD➣Unrelated Donor (tissue transplantation) |
URD➣Uridine |
URD➣User Requirements Definition (software) |
URD➣Union pour le Renouveau Démocratique (French: Union for Democratic Renewal, Senegal) |
URD➣Upper Respiratory Disease |
URD➣Unité de Recherche Démographique (French: Demographic Research Unit; Togo; est. 1975) |
URD➣Union for Renewal and Democracy (Chad) |
URD➣User Root Directory |
URD➣You Are Drawing (online anime art school) |
URD➣Unión Revolucionaria Democrática (Revolutionary Democratic Union; political party, Guatemala) |
URD➣Usenet Resource Downloader |
URD➣Unit Reference Designator |
URD➣User Reported Deficiency |
URD➣Unit Release Dose |