primary aldosteronism


 [al-dos´ter-ōn-izm″, al″do-ster´ōn-izm] an abnormality of electrolyte metabolism produced by excessive secretion of aldosterone" >aldosterone, it may be primary or occur secondarily in response to extra-adrenal disease. There may be hypertension, hypokalemia, alkalosis, muscular weakness, polyuria, and polydipsia. Called also hyperaldosteronism.primary aldosteronism that arising from oversecretion of aldosterone, characterized typically by hypokalemia, alkalosis, muscular weakness, polyuria, polydipsia, hypertension, cardiac irregularity, and tetany. The most common etiologic factors are adrenal adenoma, idiopathic hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex, and occasionally carcinoma of the adrenal gland. Most adenomas affect only one of the two glands and therefore can be removed surgically without depriving the patient of a sufficient supply of adrenal cortical hormones. If removal of both glands is necessary, this creates a serious and potentially fatal insufficiency of the hormones. Called also Conn's syndrome.pseudoprimary aldosteronism that caused by bilateral adrenal hyperplasia and having the same signs and symptoms as primary aldosteronism.secondary aldosteronism that due to extra-adrenal stimulation of aldosterone secretion; it is commonly associated with edematous states, as in nephrotic syndrome, hepatic cirrhosis, heart failure, and accelerated hypertension.

pri·mar·y al·dos·ter·on·ism

an adrenocortical disorder caused by excessive secretion of aldosterone and characterized by headaches, nocturia, polyuria, fatigue, hypertension, potassium depletion, hypokalemic alkalosis, hypervolemia, and decreased plasma renin activity; may be associated with small benign adrenocortical adenomas. Synonym(s): Conn syndrome, idiopathic aldosteronism

pri·mar·y al·dos·te·ron·ism

(prī'mar-ē al-dos'tĕr-ōn-izm) An adrenocortical disorder caused by excessive secretion of aldosterone and characterized by headaches, nocturia, polyuria, fatigue, hypertension, potassium depletion, hypokalemic alkalosis, hypervolemia, and decreased plasma renin activity; may be associated with small, benign adrenocortical adenomas.
Synonym(s): Conn syndrome, idiopathic aldosteronism.


Jerome, U.S. physician, 1907-1981. Conn syndrome - an adrenocortical disorder caused by excessive secretion of aldosterone. Synonym(s): primary aldosteronism

pri·mar·y al·dos·te·ron·ism

(prī'mar-ē al-dos'tĕr-ōn-izm) An adrenocortical disorder caused by excessive secretion of aldosterone.
Synonym(s): Conn syndrome, idiopathic aldosteronism.