Ruffini corpuscles

Ruf·fi·ni cor·pus·cles

(rū-fē'nē), sensory end structures in the subcutaneous connective tissues of the fingers, consisting of an ovoid capsule within which the sensory fiber ends with numerous collateral knobs.


Angelo, Italian histologist, 1864-1929. flower-spray organ of Ruffini - one of the two types of sensory nerve ending (the other being the annulospiral ending) associated with the neuromuscular spindle. Synonym(s): flower-spray endingRuffini corpuscles - sensory end-structures in the subcutaneous connective tissues of the fingers, consisting of an ovoid capsule within which the sensory fiber ends with numerous collateral knobs.Ruffini papillary endings - papillary endings of the skin's nerve endings.