Thackeray, Bal Keshav

Thackeray, Bal Keshav

(bäl kĕshäv` täk`ərā), 1926–2012, Indian political leader. He first became known in his hometown of Mumbai (then Bombay) as a mainly political newspaper cartoonist, espousing right-wing, anticommunist, and anti-Muslim views. In 1966 Thackeray founded the Hindu nationalist Shiv Sena party, which appealed to Marathi-speakers, advocated the same views, and sought to stop the flow of S Indians and Muslims into Mumbai. He never held elected office, but became a force in Mumbai politics, particularly as Hindu-Muslim antagonisms increased in the late 1980s. Shiv Sena became known for openly violent tactics, often provoking disputes between Hindus and Muslims, notably the riots of 1992–93 that killed some 900, mostly Muslims.