释义 |
pectineus[pek′tin·ē·əs] (anatomy) A muscle arising from the pubis and inserted on the femur. pectineus
pec·ti·ne·us (mus·cle) [TA] origin, crest of pubis; insertion, pectineal line of femur; action, adducts thigh and assists in flexion; nerve supply, obturator and femoral. Synonym(s): musculus pectineus [TA], pectineal muscle
pec·tin·e·al (pek-tin'ē-ăl), Ridged; relating to the os pubis or to any comblike structure. Synonym(s): pectineus (1) pec·tin·e·al , pectineus (pek-tin'ē-ăl, -ŭs) Ridged; relating to the os pubis or to any comblike structure. |