vasa brevia


 [vas] (pl. va´sa) (L.) vessel. adj., adj va´sal.vas aber´rans 1. a blind tube sometimes connected with the epididymis; a vestigial mesonephric tube.2. any anomalous or unusual´sa afferen´tia vessels that convey fluid to a structure or´sa bre´via short gastric arteries.vas de´ferens ductus´sa efferen´tia vessels that convey fluid away from a structure or´sa lympha´tica lymphatic´sa prae´via the presentation, in front of the fetal head during labor, of the blood vessels of the umbilical cord where they enter the´sa rec´ta re´nis long U-shaped vessels arising from the efferent glomerular arterioles of juxtamedullary nephrons and supplying the renal medulla. Called also arteriolae rectae´sa vaso´rum the small nutrient arteries and veins in the walls of the larger blood vessels.

short gas·tric ar·ter·ies

[TA] four or five small arteries given off from the splenic, passing via the gastrosplenic ligament to the fundus of the stomach along the greater curvature, and anastomosing with the other arteries in that region. Synonym(s): arteriae gastricae breves [TA], vasa brevia

vasa brevia

Branches of the splenic artery going to the greater curvature of the stomach. Synonym: short gastric arteriesSee also: vasa