Vasant Ramji Khanolkar
Khanolkar, Vasant Ramji
Born Apr. 13, 1895. Indian pathologist. Active member (1949) and vice-president (1949–52) of the Indian Academy of Sciences.
Khanolkar graduated from the medical school of the University of London in 1918. He became a professor in 1924. From 1941 to 1951 he was director of the laboratory of the Tata Memorial Hospital in Bombay. From 1952 to 1963 he was director of the Indian Cancer Research Center; simultaneously, from 1960 to 1963, he was a vice-chancellor of the University of Bombay. He became president of the National Institute of Sciences in 1965.
Khanolkar’s principal works deal with the pathological anatomy and laboratory diagnosis of oncological disease and leprosy and with the effect of ionizing radiation on the body. Khanolkar was president of the International Union Against Cancer from 1958 to 1962. He became a foreign member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR in 1961, and he is an honorary member of a number of other foreign scientific societies.
Perspectives in the Pathology of Leprosy. Bombay, 1955.“Problema raka v Indii.” Klinicheskaia meditsina, 1956, vol. 34, no. 8.