

单词 reasonableness



R0074200 (rē′zə-nə-bəl)adj.1. Capable of reasoning; rational: a reasonable person.2. Governed by or being in accordance with reason or sound thinking: a reasonable solution to the problem.3. Being within the bounds of common sense: arrive home at a reasonable hour.4. Not excessive or extreme; fair: reasonable prices.
rea′son·a·bil′i·ty, rea′son·a·ble·ness n.rea′son·a·bly adv.
Noun1.reasonableness - the state of having good sense and sound judgment; "his rationality may have been impaired"; "he had to rely less on reason than on rousing their emotions"rationality, reasonsaneness, sanity - normal or sound powers of mind
2.reasonableness - goodness of reason and judgment; "the judiciary is built on the reasonableness of judges"sensibleness - the quality of showing good sense or practical judgmentwiseness, soundness, wisdom - the quality of being prudent and sensible
3.reasonableness - the property of being moderate in price or expendituresreasonableness - the property of being moderate in price or expenditures; "the store is famous for the reasonableness of its prices"; "the modestness of the living standards here becomes obvious immediately"moderateness, modestnessinexpensiveness - the quality of being affordable
4.reasonableness - moderation in expectations; "without greater reasonableness by both parties we will never settle this matter!"moderation, moderateness - quality of being moderate and avoiding extremes
5.reasonableness - the quality of being plausible or acceptable to a reasonable person; "he questioned the tenability of my claims"tenability, tenablenessplausibility, plausibleness - apparent validity


(ˈriːzn) noun1. something which makes something happen, describes why it happened, should happen or is going to happen etc. What is the reason for this noise?; What is your reason for going to London?; The reason (why) I am going is that I want to. 理由 理由2. the power of the mind to think, form opinions and judgements etc. Only man has reason – animals have not. 理性思考能力 理性 verb1. to (be able to) think, form opinions and judgements etc. Man alone has the ability to reason. (能夠)理性思考 推理2. to argue; to work out after some thought. She reasoned that if he had caught the 6.30 p.m. train, he would not be home before 8.00. 論證,推斷 争辩,推断 ˈreasonable adjective1. sensible. a reasonable suggestion. 合理的 合理的2. willing to listen to argument; acting with good sense. You will find him very reasonable. 講理的 理智的3. fair; correct; which one should or could accept. Is $10 a reasonable price for this book? 公平的,可接受的 公平的4. satisfactory; as much as one might expect or want. There was a reasonable number of people at the meeting. 恰當的 合适的ˈreasonableness noun 合理 合理性ˈreasonably adverbHe behaved very reasonably; The car is reasonably priced; The meeting was reasonably well attended. 合理地 合理地ˈreasoning noun the act or process of reaching a decision, conclusion etc. I don't understand his reasoning at all. 推理 论证have reason to (believe/think etc) to feel justified in (believing etc). I have (good) reason to think that he is lying. 有理由(相信或認為) 有理由(认为) it stands to reason it is obvious or logical. If you go to bed so late it stands to reason that you will be tired next morning. 理所當然的 理所当然的是...listen to reason to allow oneself to be persuaded to do something more sensible than what one was going to do; to pay attention to common sense. 聽從有道理的勸告 服理lose one's reason to become insane. 失去理智 失去理智reason with to argue with (a person) in order to persuade him to be more sensible. We tried to reason with the worried mother but she went out alone in the storm to look for the child. 和某人講道理 同...讲道理see reason to (be persuaded to) be more sensible than one is or has been. 明白道理 明白...的道理within reason within the limits of good sense. I'll do anything / go anywhere within reason. 在合理範圍內 在合理范围内合情理



[′rēz·nə·bəl·nəs] (computer science) A measure of the extent to which data processed by a computer falls within an acceptable allowance for errors, as determined by quantitative tests.


  • noun

Synonyms for reasonableness

noun the state of having good sense and sound judgment


  • rationality
  • reason

Related Words

  • saneness
  • sanity

noun goodness of reason and judgment

Related Words

  • sensibleness
  • wiseness
  • soundness
  • wisdom

noun the property of being moderate in price or expenditures


  • moderateness
  • modestness

Related Words

  • inexpensiveness

noun moderation in expectations

Related Words

  • moderation
  • moderateness

noun the quality of being plausible or acceptable to a reasonable person


  • tenability
  • tenableness

Related Words

  • plausibility
  • plausibleness




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